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  • The genetically unique native haplotypes of P. australis have been given the new name Phragmites australis subspecies americanus.

    Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America 2009

  • Commonly called Phragmites or Common Reed, hereafter it will be referred to as P. australis.

    Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America 2009

  • These oases and areas of water outflow result in the growth of reeds such as Phragmites and mace (Typha spp.) and favor other planted vegetation such as Tamarix aphylla and Prosopis juliflora.

    Persian Gulf desert and semi-desert 2008

  • Tall grasses such as Phragmites karka, Saccharum arundinaceum, and Coix gigantea generally dominate fertile alluvial clay sediments.

    Tonle Sap-Mekong peat swamp forests 2007

  • I found the deer in some Phragmites, it jumped up and looked at me, must have been about 30 feet instead of the 30 yards I thought because when I let another arrow go it sailed right over her back, and she took off.

    Anyone here have a good story about tracking wounded game? 2009

  • I found the deer in some Phragmites, it jumped up and looked at me, must have been about 30 feet instead of the 30 yards I thought because when I let another arrow go it sailed right over her back, and she took off.

    Anyone here have a good story about tracking wounded game? 2009

  • Her current thesis research is being conducted at Hatches Harbor salt marsh on Cape Cod in Provincetown, MA, focusing on facilitating seed dispersal in a partially restored salt marsh with persistent stands of invasive Phragmites australis (common reed).

    Contributor: Megan Boyle 2010

  • His later work has focused on the distribution of barnacles in the Hackensack River of New Jersey, gastropod feeding on detritus of Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis from polluted and non-polluted areas, toxicity tests of Roundup on fiddler crabs and ribbed mussels, studies of Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis as habitat for ribbed mussels in the Meadowlands of New Jersey, and studies of benthic biodiversity prior to reverse osmosis in China.

    Contributor: Marion McClary 2010

  • Articles from this project include: Alcids in marine ecosystems, Environmental and social implications of dam removal, Freshwater mussels in North America - factors affecting their endangerment and extinction, Mercury in the Gulf of Maine watershed, Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America, Secondary salinization.

    Student Science Communication Project 2010

  • Articles from this project include: Alcids in marine ecosystems, Environmental and social implications of dam removal, Freshwater mussels in North America - factors affecting their endangerment and extinction, Mercury in the Gulf of Maine watershed, Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America, Secondary salinization.

    Student Science Communication Project 2010


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