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  • Following extraction, the DNA needs to be amplified or copied so that there is an optimal amount for analysis, the technique is called Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR.

    BBC News - Home 2012

  • This is something known as Polymerase Chain Reaction.

    CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2002 2002

  • To begin your recombination study you will be performing a protocol called the Polymerase

    OpenWetWare - Recent changes [en] Jing Ge 2010

  • It took the development of technology invented by Kary Mullis at Berkeley called Polymerase Chain Reaction—it’s similar to taking a photocopy of DNA so as to get it to reproduce—that allowed task force detectives to harvest just enough of the DNA left on a victim to match it with a Ridgway specimen that had been taken in 1987 during the midst of my conversations with Bundy.

    The Riverman Robert D. Keppel 2005

  • It took the development of technology invented by Kary Mullis at Berkeley called Polymerase Chain Reaction—it’s similar to taking a photocopy of DNA so as to get it to reproduce—that allowed task force detectives to harvest just enough of the DNA left on a victim to match it with a Ridgway specimen that had been taken in 1987 during the midst of my conversations with Bundy.

    The Riverman Robert D. Keppel 2005

  • It took the development of technology invented by Kary Mullis at Berkeley called Polymerase Chain Reaction—it’s similar to taking a photocopy of DNA so as to get it to reproduce—that allowed task force detectives to harvest just enough of the DNA left on a victim to match it with a Ridgway specimen that had been taken in 1987 during the midst of my conversations with Bundy.

    The Riverman Robert D. Keppel 2005

  • As far as what the students do in the lab course, they take a gene from green glowing jellyfish, and move it into bacteria, using a multi-step process involving Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Ligation, and Transformation.

    Jason Silva: OTYP is Making Biotech Cool 2010

  • The jury will get a bewildering lesson in two types of DNA testing: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP).

    Let The Dna Wars Begin 2008

  • Such a 'shadow biosphere' could have a different molecular architecture and biochemistry than known life and would be undetectable with current techniques like microscopy, cell cultivation and Polymerase Chain Reaction amplification, the authors wrote.

    Alpha Centauri B and other habstars 2006

  • The simple reason for this is unlike the more 'accurate' DNA replication enzymes, Pol I and III, Polymerase IV and V (interestingly, Pol V doesn't change that much in expression) doesn't even care if it has a template.

    Browsing the Latest Issue of Scientific American 2006


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