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  • Referent power is the ability to administer to another person feelings of personal acceptance or approval.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Referent power has become more important with the downward shift of power to lower organizational levels and the increasing importance of personal values and convictions in the influence process Behr, 1998.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Referent power has become more important with the downward shift of power to lower organizational levels and the increasing importance of personal values and convictions in the influence process Behr, 1998.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Referent power is the ability to administer to another person feelings of personal acceptance or approval.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Referent and legitimate power were defined in terms of the characteristics and motives of the target person.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Referent and legitimate power were defined in terms of the characteristics and motives of the target person.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Küng, Guido (1972) “The World as Noema and as Referent,” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 3: 15-26.

    Edmund Husserl Beyer, Christian 2007

  • All that Himmler would consent to was that a certain Fritz Hesse (styled as "Referent on British Affairs" at the Wilhelmstrasse) should proceed to Stockholm and maintain contact.

    Barbarossa Clark, Alan 1965

  • Ein bewährtes Format (TED Talks), ein bewährter Referent.

    weiterbildungsblog jrobes 2010

  • Referent power is operating when someone is personally admired by others. 2010


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