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  • As soon as gunshots rang out, the alarm would be raised, the entire area would be floodlit with spotlights, machine-gun emplacements on the roof of the main building would swing into action, the 30 German troops in the barracks outside the building would be alerted and reinforcements from nearby Rjukan would be sent rushing to the scene.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • Helberg and Poulsson, who had grown up in Rjukan, thought it was impossible.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • An old railway line from Rjukan had been cut out of the hillside, and it ran straight to the plant.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • He quickly recruited three Rjukan men to help him and contacted friendly workers at the plant to ensure that the heavy water would be loaded on the Sunday ferry.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • After shaving off his bushy beard, Haukelid left the Bamsebu hut on February 13 and headed for Rjukan.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • They decided to send Helberg on a reconnaissance mission to Rjukan to find out.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • When they reached the road at the top of the gorge, cars and trucks filled with German troops began to pass, headed from Rjukan to Vemork.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • One of the great stories of the Norwegian resistance during World War II was the destruction of the Germans 'heavy water plant at Rjukan by six skiing commandos.

    Biathlon Snipers Dave Hurteau 2008

  • Just after midnight on Sunday, the day the ferry was to sail, Haukelid and his three accomplices drove from Rjukan to the ferry port.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • Like all but one of the quartet, he had grown up in Rjukan, the closest town to the plant, and his family still lived there.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010


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