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  • Brown and his band won two trophies at the British Blues Awards in 2010 and scooped up another three prizes at this year's event, including the coveted Best Album award for "Heads I Win Tails You Lose", Brown's second album, released last year on the German label Ruf Records. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph David Sinclair 2011

  • "Ruf," said Zarathustra, looking up at him with benign golden eyes.

    The Servant Problem Robert F. Young 1950

  • "Ruf," said Zarathustra, and turning, trotted through an archway into a large room that, judging from the empty shelves lining its walls, had once been a library, and thence through another archway into another room -- the dining room, undoubtedly -- and out of sight.

    The Servant Problem Robert F. Young 1950

  • "Out of the Boxes," a miniature retrospective assembled by the Swiss curator Beatrix Ruf at the Andrea Rosen Gallery this spring, disclosed his familiar yearnings as well as the secret that he is more of a classicist than he thinks.

    Travels in Burma, Ghana And the American City Richard B. Woodward 2011

  • Ruf der Vergangenheit (engl. call of the past) is a good translation for BoM.

    German Covers Nalini Singh 2010

  • Ruf " was one of the most important postwar German architects, " says Winfried Nerdinger, director of the Architecture Museum of the Technical University in Munich.

    A Resilient and Renovated Bonn J. S. Marcus 2010

  • PS Ruf really enjoyed your post plus Suzanne's reply.

    Same, except different Ms Robinson 2009

  • PPS Ruf says if a man is making it hard to communicate honestly because he cannot deal with it, then you need to get someone who can.

    Same, except different Ms Robinson 2009

  • In the early days with Ruf, the times I spent beating myself up cos he hadnt been in contact, convincing myself that he was no longer interested or had just found someone else better.

    Same, except different Ms Robinson 2009

  • By the mid-'60s, Allison released his first single and went on to ink deals with Delmark, Motown, Ruf, and Alligator Records.

    Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Ninety-Eight 2009


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