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  • They all said "Scharlach" with a kind of terror in their voices, as if he might hear them even there, and come down on them horribly.

    Coming Home. 1915

  • They all said "Scharlach" with a kind of terror in their voices, as if he might hear them even there, and come down on them horribly.

    Coming Home 1916 Edith Wharton 1899

  • Integrating senior-friendly changes into everyday city policies is less visible than, say, a new retirement home but it's ultimately the goal, says Scharlach, the aging expert.

    Aging boomers strain cities built for the young 2011

  • Aging expert Andrew Scharlach of the University of California, Berkeley, sees a common thread in these changes and the work of other cities.

    Aging boomers strain cities built for the young 2011

  • “The majority of adults in the United States live in suburban environments that are great to raise kids in but lousy to age in,” observes sociologist Andrew E. Scharlach, professor of aging at the University of California–Berkeley.

    Shock of Gray Ted C. Fishman 2010

  • This, Scharlach says, is part of the story of the invisibility of older adults in society.

    Shock of Gray Ted C. Fishman 2010

  • What Scharlach prescribes, the residents of the Cloisters have already created for themselves.

    Shock of Gray Ted C. Fishman 2010

  • Scharlach believes retirement communities are great for the people who like them, and he praises the sense of community that they create.

    Shock of Gray Ted C. Fishman 2010

  • Scharlach says that older people often mischaracterize their long-term needs when choosing where to live.

    Shock of Gray Ted C. Fishman 2010

  • Scharlach points out, however, that there is “plenty of evidence that people who have social networks respond better to health insults, and there is some evidence that they live longer, too.”

    Shock of Gray Ted C. Fishman 2010


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