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  • "Tempo -- rhythm -- colour," he has been heard to insist on to a conductor whom in the heat of his conviction he had gradually edged into a corner and before whom he stood with gesticulating arms -- "All the rest is _Schwindel_."

    William of Germany Stanley Shaw

  • In spite of this, the Rosicrucian fraud, which served in many ways as a model for the anti-Masonic Taxil-Schwindel, has continued effective until the present day.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock 1840-1916 1913

  • Notwithstanding the 'ut non mentiar,' most of those who have enquired into the subject have come to the opinion which is bluntly expressed by Usener (p. 73), 'Die dreitägige Frist die Jordanes zur Benutzung der 12 Bücher gehabt haben will, _ist natürlich Schwindel_.'

    The Letters of Cassiodorus Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator Senator Cassiodorus 1872

  • Plunder of Dewey, Schwindel and Howe, a major U.S. pump-and-dump firm.

    News & Politics 2010

  • Seller agrees to continue surveillance duties until such time as Schwindel operative can be relieved by purchaser equivalent, acceptability to be determined by seller. "

    Gravity's Rainbow Pynchon, Thomas 1978

  • “Tempo ” rhythm ” colour,” he has been heard to insist on to a conductor whom in the heat of his conviction he had gradually edged into a corner and before whom he stood with gesticulating arms ” “All the rest is Schwindel.”

    William of Germany Shaw, Stanley 1913


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