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  • I'm afraid that I have to side with Beth and cue the muted trumpet Charlie Brown's teacher's voice was a trumpet with a mute _ Wha waa wawa waaa wa wa: I simply cannot understad or find justification for the term Sentai except in Japanese military history or with reference to the Power Rangers.

    Death, Beacon, some anime Yaoi, boy and girl pics and me on the BBC Elizabeth McClung 2008

  • Hell, I still watch Super Sentai, because it's good.

    Watch Kirsten Dunst and McG’s Akihabara Majokko Princess Music Video – 2010

  • Which would bring the Power Rangers full circle, as the early Sentai “Battle Fever J” was based (loosely, and changing a lot before coming to air) on the Avengers: Captain Japan = Captain America, Captain Kenya = Black Panther.

    Win X-Men: Misfits! » Manga Worth Reading 2009

  • Exultant, the Japanese pilots claimed twelve B-29s destroyed, nine by the 4th Sentai alone.

    Whirlwind Barrett Tillman 2010

  • In two hours the 4th Sentai claimed seven kills, three by the intrepid Kimura.

    Whirlwind Barrett Tillman 2010

  • In two hours the 4th Sentai claimed seven kills, three by the intrepid Kimura.

    Whirlwind Barrett Tillman 2010

  • Exultant, the Japanese pilots claimed twelve B-29s destroyed, nine by the 4th Sentai alone.

    Whirlwind Barrett Tillman 2010

  • At lunch the other day, my comrades and I were greatly enjoying the Sentai greatness of INAZUMAN...

    Archive 2009-02-01 Thomas Perkins 2009

  • Often times, when welcoming you to the hour of programming, you get to see Super Sentai alongside Kamen Rider . » Super Sentai Images: Super Sentai Kamen Rider 2009

  • At lunch the other day, my comrades and I were greatly enjoying the Sentai greatness of INAZUMAN...

    Sentai Fan Dorkiness... Thomas Perkins 2009


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