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  • A newspaper photographer from Shenqiu in China's Henan province, Huo Daishan, 56, was so shocked by industrial pollution, poisonous fumes and dead fish in the Huai River - China's third largest - that he started to document it, armed with a cheap camera, pen and notebook.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2010

  • A newspaper photographer from Shenqiu in China's Henan province, Huo Daishan, 56, was so shocked by industrial pollution, poisonous fumes and dead fish in the Huai River - China's third largest - that he started to document it, armed with a cheap camera, pen and notebook. Front Page 2010

  • A newspaper photographer from Shenqiu in China's Henan province, Huo Daishan, 56, was so shocked by industrial pollution, poisonous fumes and dead fish in the Huai River - China's third largest - that he started to document it, armed with a cheap camera, pen and notebook. Front Page 2010

  • A newspaper photographer from Shenqiu in China's Henan province, Huo Daishan, 56, was so shocked by industrial pollution, poisonous fumes and dead fish in the Huai River - China's third largest - that he started to document it, armed with a cheap camera, pen and notebook. - News 2010

  • A newspaper photographer from Shenqiu in China's Henan province, Huo Daishan, 56, was so shocked by industrial pollution, poisonous fumes and dead fish in the Huai River - China's third-largest - that he started to document it, armed with a cheap camera, pen and notebook.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010


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