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  • The Sousaphone is the one that wraps right around your chest liike a boa constrictor and then flares out like a monstrous brass flower over your right shoulder and deafens people in a fifteen foot radius.

    BC Bloggers 2008

  • The Sousaphone is the one that wraps right around your chest liike a boa constrictor and then flares out like a monstrous brass flower over your right shoulder and deafens people in a fifteen foot radius.

    BC Bloggers 2008

  • Buoyed by Occupy Chicago's ubiquitous drumming squad and a Sousaphone, the indefatigable crowd clapped, chanted, cheered throughout the ordeal: "The whole world is watching!"

    Mark Cassello: Occupy Chicago: Tent City Raid Leads to 175 Arrests Mark Cassello 2011

  • Buoyed by Occupy Chicago's ubiquitous drumming squad and a Sousaphone, the indefatigable crowd clapped, chanted, cheered throughout the ordeal: "The whole world is watching!"

    Mark Cassello: Occupy Chicago: Tent City Raid Leads to 175 Arrests Mark Cassello 2011

  • Be sure to explain the Black-Eyed Sousaphone as well.

    Your Right Hand Thief 2008

  • It's basically German polka/mariachi music on steroids, often not played very well in tune, with the tuba or Sousaphone, usually a lowly background instrument, assuming a prominent role.

    A quick question about banda music 2007

  • It's basically German polka/mariachi music on steroids, often not played very well in tune, with the tuba or Sousaphone, usually a lowly background instrument, assuming a prominent role.

    A quick question about banda music 2007

  • It's basically German polka/mariachi music on steroids, often not played very well in tune, with the tuba or Sousaphone, usually a lowly background instrument, assuming a prominent role.

    A quick question about banda music 2007

  • It's basically German polka/mariachi music on steroids, often not played very well in tune, with the tuba or Sousaphone, usually a lowly background instrument, assuming a prominent role.

    A quick question about banda music 2007

  • And, finally, it's a wonder Sousaphone Hero isn't giving that shoddy Guitar title a run for its money.

    Coffee Break: August 2 2007


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