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  • MADRID—The government of Spain's Catalonia region said Sunday it has created a special committee to handle the suspension of operations by local airline Spanair, which is likely to file for bankruptcy in coming days.

    Spanish Airline Shutdown Ripples Through Region David Roman 2012

  • A spokesman for Spanair, which is owned by Scandinavian airline SAS AB, said the aircraft had been delayed prior to takeoff because a faulty temperature gauge needed to be repaired.

    Spanair Jet Crashes in Takeoff 2008

  • GOODMAN: Heidi, there has been an accident or an incident involving a plane from the company called Spanair, that's one of Spain's carriers, not the only carrier in Spain.

    CNN Transcript Aug 20, 2008 2008

  • Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Madrid Superior Justice Court spokesman said Thursday that the judge had called the Spanair maintenance chief at Madrid's Barajas airport, as well as two mechanics who had checked the plane before it took off.

    Aero-News Network 2008

  • Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Madrid Superior Justice Court spokesman said Thursday that the judge had called the Spanair maintenance chief at Madrid's Barajas airport, as well as two mechanics who had checked the plane before it took off.

    Aero-News Network 2008

  • Created in 1986 with SAS as top shareholder, Spanair was purchased in 2009 by a group of local investors led by Catalonia's regional government, moving Spanair's headquarters from the Balearic Islands to Barcelona.

    Spanish Airline Shutdown Ripples Through Region David Roman 2012

  • It said that following the decision of Spanair's board to apply for bankruptcy, it will write down €165 million of the outstanding debt and receivables on Spanair and set aside another €28 million in guarantees and costs linked to Spanair's bankruptcy.

    Spanish Airline Shutdown Ripples Through Region David Roman 2012

  • Meanwhile, Spanish authorities Sunday continued efforts to minimize disruptions to air traffic, and said they have assisted 200 Spanair clients who were to board suspended flights out of Africa, helping them to make alternative arrangements.

    Spanish Airline Shutdown Ripples Through Region David Roman 2012

  • Spain's Public Works Minister Ana Pastor said on Saturday that the government may slap Spanair with about €9 million $11.9 million in fines and cancel its airline license due to the sudden cancellation of flights and failure to assist passengers.

    Spanish Airline Shutdown Ripples Through Region David Roman 2012

  • A group of Catalan businesspeople and the Catalan government are Spanair's main shareholders, with a stake of 85.6%, while Spanair's former owner, Scandinavian airline SAS AB, holds a stake of 10.9% of the troubled carrier.

    Spanish Airline Shutdown Ripples Through Region David Roman 2012


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