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  • The analogy between the debate about substantivalism, and the debate about whether quantum particles are individuals was first explicitly made by Ladyman (1998), but others such as Stachel (2002) and Saunders

    Structural Realism Ladyman, James 2009

  • This runs counter to the usual way of thinking according to which there are individuals in spacetime whose existence is independent of each other and that facts about the identity and diversity of these individuals are determined independently of their relations to each other (Stachel 2006 calls this ˜intrinsic individuality™).

    Structural Realism Ladyman, James 2009

  • Ladyman and Ross (2007), Saunders (2006) and Stachel (2006) argue that facts about the identity and diversity of fermions are not intrinsic obtain only in virtue of the relations into which they enter.

    Structural Realism Ladyman, James 2009

  • Stachel and Torretti (1982), and Mermin and Feigenbaum (1990), that the relation one actually derives from the special relativity is:

    The Equivalence of Mass and Energy Flores, Francisco 2007

  • Stachel and Torretti also show that Einstein's critics overlook two key moves that are sufficient to make Einstein's derivation sound, since one need not assume that

    The Equivalence of Mass and Energy Flores, Francisco 2007

  • Recently, however, Stachel and Torretti (1982) have shown convincingly that Einstein's (1905b) argument is sound.

    The Equivalence of Mass and Energy Flores, Francisco 2007

  • "Einstein's Search for General Covariance", as reprinted in Howard and Stachel (1989),

    Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity Ryckman, Thomas A. 2006

  • Perhaps, as Stachel has suggested, this incompatibility can be traced back to the sharp, metaphysical distinction between things and relations between things (Stachel 1999).

    Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory French, Steven 2006

  • More specifically, he reasoned wrongly that for a region of spacetime devoid of matter and energy -- a "hole" -- generally covariant field equations permit the construction of two different solutions, different in the sense that, in general, for spacetime points inside the hole, they assign different values of the metric tensor to one and the same point (for more on the history of this episode, see Stachel 1980 and Norton 1984).

    Einstein's Philosophy of Science Howard, Don A. 2004

  • "I want Dominic, Stachel, Roman, and Sims to come with me to the office."

    The Eternal Mercenary Sadler, Barry 1980


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