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  • They can no longer be left to the devices of the Statist, which is largely the case today.

    Liberty and Tyranny Mark R. Levin 2009

  • They can no longer be left to the devices of the Statist, which is largely the case today.

    Liberty and Tyranny Mark R. Levin 2009

  • Shelby is one of many (well - way too many) dishonest, mindless, uninspiring political hacks crawling around Capitol Hill that have distanced themselves from reality, and thus our nation falls ever faster towards a third world 'Statist' nation status as a result.

    Senator Shelby Speaks - NASA Watch 2009

  • Levin attempts a pre-emptive defense of these views, writing that "those who dissent" from the "Statist" view on immigration "are often characterized as exclusionists, nativists, xenophobes, or even racists."

    Terry Krepel: Liberty and Tyranny -- And Misinformation 2009

  • First, Russians lost religion as a source of moral codes and inspiration had it replaced by a "Statist" code of a horribly brutal tyranny, and then lost the "Statist" basis of their statist moral code.

    LinknZona 2009

  • They are BOTH firmly in the "Statist" side of the continuum though.

    Propeller Most Popular Stories 2009

  • How can a poll show 50% of democrates (ie Statist) for Obama's Afghanistan tatics but when democrapes where 75% against Bush's Iraq tatics when the tatics are essentially THE SAME!!

    CNN Poll: Obama approval under 50 percent 2009

  • Finally, those of you who refuse to see this is what Obama/Statist care will lead to are frankly blind and unfortunately ruining my country.

    Women sharply disagree with mammogram recommendation 2009

  • You voted for change, and you will get the Statist world.

    Women sharply disagree with mammogram recommendation 2009

  • In isolated cases we will run 3rd party candidates, but only to remind the Repub establishment that they work for us, they are not to be enablers to a Statist govt.

    Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 16, 2010 2010


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