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  • "'Tanger' was wide open back there, and he hit a tough shot with a lot of bodies in front but somehow it got through." - All Posts Travis Hughes 2010

  • "'Tanger' was wide open back there, and he hit a tough shot with a lot of bodies in front but somehow it got through."

    Eyewitness News 2010

  • "'Tanger' was wide open back there, and he hit a tough shot with a lot of bodies in front but somehow it got through." - All Posts Travis Hughes 2010

  • "'Tanger' was wide open back there, and he hit a tough shot with a lot of bodies in front but somehow it got through." - All Posts Travis Hughes 2010

  • "'Tanger' was wide open back there, and he hit a tough shot with a lot of bodies in front but somehow it got through."

    CBS 47: Local News 2010

  • "'Tanger' was wide open back there, and he hit a tough shot with a lot of bodies in front but somehow it got through." - All Posts Travis Hughes 2010

  • He's also gotten big companies such as Tanger, which built the outlet mall The Arches at Deer Park, to voluntarily comply with LEED building standards and partnered with Wal-Mart and Breslin Realty to hand out a compact fluorescent light bulb to each of the town's 65,000 households.

    Long Island Business News Products 2009

  • Chamber backed projects such as Tanger Mall, back door East Hills project, our bedroom community, warehouse projects, tax rebates, tax abatements and stories: News 2008

  • Discount outlets such as Tanger may have less to worry about because their prices are already low.

    GuruFocus Updates 2008

  • One measure some managers, such as Tanger Outlets owner Steve Tanger, are taking is opening their entire strip malls earlier than usual.

    GuruFocus Updates 2008


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