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  • Paraphrasing Ellis, Tausch said his fellow officer said to him,

    Joseph Ellis 2010

  • Tausch, who said Ellis was an outstanding teacher, added: '' There were some others there who chose that route.

    Joseph Ellis 2010

  • Egon R. Tausch, a San Antonio lawyer who joined the West Point history faculty in 1969 after serving as an infantry company commander in Vietnam, recalled in an interview that

    Joseph Ellis 2010

  • Tausch is a registered independent who, after voting Republican for most of his life, supported Barack Obama in the last election, even contributing $2,300 to the cause.

    Why the Obama honeymoon ended so abruptly. Ann Althouse 2009

  • John Sununu have signed aboard the Tausch efforts.

    Big Spender vs. Mr. Money Bags 2009

  • In certain Umbelliferæ the exterior seeds, according to Tausch, are orthospermous, and the central one cœlospermous, and this is a character which was considered by De Candolle to be in other species of the highest systematic importance.

    VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection 1909

  • Department, Sandhen, was suffering from progressive paralysis; Paty de Clam has shown himself to be something after the style of Tausch of Berlin;

    Letters of Anton Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 1882

  • He has made a fortune by 'going on Togt' (German, Tausch), as thus; he charters two waggons, twelve oxen each, and two Hottentots to each waggon, leader and driver.

    Letters from the Cape Lucie Duff Gordon 1845

  • Umbelliferæ these differences are of such apparent importance -- the seeds being in some cases, according to Tausch, orthospermous in the exterior flowers and coelospermous in the central flowers, -- that the elder De

    On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition) Charles Darwin 1845

  • Junior James Fry, Kirkpatrick's backup last season, appears to be the clubhouse leader, but the 6-3, 290-pounder will be pushed by sophomores Eric Tausch (6-3, 295) and John Wooldridge (6-5, 310). 2011


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