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  • Tosen lowered into a chair, asking, "You holding the fort alone, here in the Bureau?"

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • "But it's the ego-field that makes a psionic device work, isn't it?" said Tosen.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • "Unless, of course, Monte isn't a nonhuman life form at all," Tosen added, eying the Information man closely.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • "Psionic devices have been around for several centuries," Tosen remarked softly.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • After a silence, Tosen said, "There's one answer to it: I can make the jaunt to Orrbaune myself if you'll agree."

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • Being sane, Tosen mused as he busied himself with the telescope, only gave individuals access to such abilities as they inherently possessed.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • "O.K. So we wait for an interested ego-field to come along and discover it," said Tosen.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • He was, Tosen guessed, all set to listen analytically — and thoroughly critically — to the proposal.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • Tosen watched through Mergly's eyes as the Information man looked away from the Bauble to search the room for the man he had been talking to.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003

  • Tosen fiddled with the antique ballpoint pen he kept on his desk.

    Misinformation Myers, Howard L 2003


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