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  • Nonetheless, in the videos "Transformator"(1991) and "Die Ästhetik der Dekonstruktion" (1989) the seed of what is articulated today is already present.

    Semiautonomous Puppet Architectonics: Second order cybernetics and MosMax Hax Alpha Auer 2009

  • Nonetheless, in the videos "Transformator"(1991) and "Die Ästhetik der Dekonstruktion" (1989) the seed of what is articulated today is already present.

    Archive 2009-05-01 Bettina Tizzy 2009

  • Transformator station and wind energy plants at the offshore wind energy park Alpha Ventus are pictured in the North Sea, about 45 kilometres (27 miles) north of the island of Borkum

    Sweetness & Light 2010


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