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  • The Trug was our poison of choice for our next dive, a barge in about 30m of water which due to its relatively small size is sometimes difficult to find in rougher seas.

    Kottu 2010

  • "Der Papst ist für den Verfasser der Antichrist, der durch Lug und Trug seine Herrschaft in der Welt behauptet."

    The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 5 Poetry George Gordon Byron Byron 1806

  • Trug maybe a relatively small wreck, but the wonders on it are immense.

    Kottu 2010

  • Tutorial: Feed Sack Flower Trug : Crafting a Green World

    Tutorial: Feed Sack Flower Trug 2009

  • _Trug_, in the following line, is equivalent to _trull_, and, possibly, is only another form of the same word: Middleton (edit.

    A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 6 William Carew Hazlitt 1873

  • ■ 9 Hey, trug, trug, trujr, &c] I fuppofe Trug is the tame of the fpaniel whom he Is fending into the water to hunt ducks; or elfe that he means to fay trudge, trudge.

    A Select Collection of Old Plays 1780


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