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  • I am not aware of such usage in German, although, especially in the Bavarian dialect, Celtic survivals are alive and well, such as in the word Trumm

    VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 4 1976

  • And for some doctors, Trumm notes, taking more time with patients equals making less money, and that's not acceptable to them.

    Chicago Reader 2010

  • Trumm, who was a teacher before she went to medical school, thinks there's still quite a bit of sexism in the medical world.

    Chicago Reader 2010

  • Trumm cites the case of her brother-in-law, who had a malignant melanoma and whose physician instructed his wife not to tell him.

    Chicago Reader 2010

  • "Then it was a race to see who could hit the buzzer faster," the Trumm youth said.

    unknown title 2009

  • "The state contends that this was an encounter, not a stop," Trumm said.

    unknown title 2009

  • The Trumm youth said he and his teammates attributed part of their success to maintaining a lighthearted mood about the competition.

    unknown title 2009

  • Nirbhay Jain was particularly strong on math and sports, young Trumm said, while "Matthew nailed a series of questions on the Ottoman Empire."

    unknown title 2009

  • "There were plenty of opera questions we didn't get," young Trumm said.

    unknown title 2009

  • 3 Responses to “AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Allen Wyler” on 05 Sep 2008 at 5: 45 pm Thea dead heads, chop shops, and HIPAA run amok! how delightful! thanks for a great interview, again, WU! on 05 Sep 2008 at 8: 01 pm Susan Trumm

    Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Allen Wyler 2008


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