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  • The Tsigane was there, a few paces off, on the bank, as usual, watching the old Siberian woman.

    Michael Strogoff 2003

  • He was thinking of the gypsy troupe, of the old Tsigane, whose face he had not been able to see, and of the strange woman who accompanied him, and then of the peculiar glance which she had cast at him.

    Michael Strogoff 2003

  • Conspicuous among the gypsies who had hastened from the western provinces was the Tsigane troop, which had accompanied Michael

    Michael Strogoff 2003

  • So saying, he extended his hand to the Tsigane, who kissed it; for there is nothing servile in this act of respect, it being usual among the Northern races.

    Michael Strogoff 2003

  • Then, after the last chorus, the remainder surrounded the Tsigane in the windings of their dance.

    Michael Strogoff 2003

  • Tsigane, of about fifteen years of age, then advanced.

    Michael Strogoff 2003

  • It is impossible to approach a Tsigane tent or wagon without encountering a swarm of these diminutive creatures, whose rage is not only amusing, but sometimes rather appalling to contemplate.

    Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, August, 1878 Various

  • A young Tsigane, of about fifteen years of age, then advanced.

    Michael Strogoff : or the Courier of the Czar 1911

  • Then, after the last chorus, the remainder surrounded the Tsigane in the windings of their dance.

    Michael Strogoff : or the Courier of the Czar 1911

  • It struck him just then that the Tsigane, Sangarre, was regarding him with a peculiar gaze, as if to fix his features indelibly in her memory.

    Michael Strogoff : or the Courier of the Czar 1911


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