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  • The acquisition of Vertica, which is set to close soon, is a good indicator of where HP is headed, Apotheker said.

    CNET 2011

  • It bought an advanced database company called Vertica.

    unknown title 2011

  • Aster joins companies such as Vertica and Kognitio in providing data warehousing capabilities on a cloud computing platform.

    BeyeNETWORK Content 2009

  • Aster joins companies such as Vertica and Kognitio in providing data warehousing capabilities on a cloud computing platform.

    BeyeNETWORK Content 2009

  • Aster joins companies such as Vertica and Kognitio in providing data warehousing capabilities on a cloud computing platform.

    BeyeNETWORK Content 2009

  • Aster joins companies such as Vertica and Kognitio in providing data warehousing capabilities on a cloud computing platform.

    BeyeNETWORK Content 2009

  • Aster joins companies such as Vertica and Kognitio in providing data warehousing capabilities on a cloud computing platform.

    BeyeNETWORK Content 2009

  • This coincides with ing each attribute of a table separately (as done in column-stores the results in [8], where the data processing rate does not reach its such as Vertica).

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009

  • Mr. Healy represented H-P through its recent acquisition of business analytics provider Vertica Systems Inc. and also worked on the sale of H-P's video collaboration business unit to Polycom Inc.

    H-P General Counsel Holston Departs Drew FitzGerald 2011

  • H-P also demonstrated a new system designed to quickly analyze large amounts of data, built in conjunction with Vertica Systems Inc., a start-up H-P acquired last month.

    H-P CEO Takes the Stage Ben Worthen 2011


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