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  • '' Walze '', which simply means "roller") may seem anachronistic, as the steamroller had not been invented in the 18th century, but the names for many of these effects date from the early

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] JDWpianist 2010

  • '' Walze '', which simply means "roller") may seem anachronistic, as the steamroller had not been invented in the 18th century, but the names for many of these effects date from the early

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] JDWpianist 2010

  • Recent research has shown that many of the "innovations" that Riemann trumpeted were already in evidence in Italian (and especially Neapolitan) ↑ This English term (which is a loose translation of the German Walze, which simply means "roller") may seem anachronistic, as the steamroller had not been invented in the 18th century, but the names for many of these effects date from the early 20th century, and were given by the German musicologist Hugo Riemann.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] JDWpianist 2010


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