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  • In Weishan, some Yi people, on the one hand, claimed to be the direct descendents of Xi-nu-luo, the founder of the Mengshe zhao (Nanzhao); on the other hand, they thought their ancestors were from Nanjing. 212 Both statements may be true, as intermarriage brought Chinese immigrants and native peoples together.

    Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE) 2008

  • Hundreds of villagers from Pei County Datun and Haozhai communes stole rifles and ammunition from the Xuecheng barracks in Weishan, began to rob the harvest by armed force.

    Archive 2007-03-01 2007

  • This "Revolutionary Committee" "exposed and criticized the two provinces as following the capitalist road and ordered the Weishan region to establish a barrier", and furthermore issued a four point conflict resolution protocol.

    Archive 2007-03-01 2007

  • The exhausted villagers wish for peace, the government is working to build a cooperative atmosphere, the feeling is post-2003 Weishan will be very quiet for these two main reasons.

    Archive 2007-03-01 2007

  • In June 2006, a national border safety conference was convened in the Weishan area.

    The Fifty Year War on the Banks of Weishan Lake v1.1 2007

  • In 1957, the State Council repeated this in a directive on the provincial boundary line: "The Weishan lake surface shall be administered solely by Weishan county, Shandong province."

    The Fifty Year War on the Banks of Weishan Lake v1.1 2007

  • Weishan was chosen because, should this "swords to ploughshares" experience receive the governments high approval, it was believed it could become a model for border dispute resolution.

    Archive 2007-03-01 2007

  • A weapons collection program by the Weishan lakeside area was carried out with great fanfare.

    The Fifty Year War on the Banks of Weishan Lake v1.1 2007

  • A weapons collection program by the Weishan lakeside area was carried out with great fanfare.

    The Fifty Year War on the Banks of Weishan Lake v1.1 2007

  • A weapons collection program by the Weishan lakeside area was carried out with great fanfare.

    Archive 2007-03-01 2007


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