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  • Linn Schröder/OSTKREUZ for The Wall Street Journal The original Wintergarten Theatre operated from 1887-1944 as a vaudeville stage at the Friedrichstrasse train station in Berlin-Mitte.

    The Cabarets of Berlin 2012

  • Hundreds of attendees in period attire flock to venues like the Wintergarten ( ), named for the huge theater that was destroyed in World War II, and the 99-year-old Volksbühne ( ) to swing dance, watch variety acts and gamble with worthless Reichsmarks from the 1920s.

    Come to the Cabaret Charles Runnette 2012

  • The management of the theater wired the Wintergarten in Berlin, where Houdini was to appear next, seeing if they would postpone his opening there so his stay could be extended a month.

    The Secret Life of Houdini William Kalush 2006

  • Houdini finally began his Berlin run on October 1, and the response was so overwhelming that the police were forced to reprimand the Wintergarten management several times for overcrowding the venue.

    The Secret Life of Houdini William Kalush 2006

  • The management of the theater wired the Wintergarten in Berlin, where Houdini was to appear next, seeing if they would postpone his opening there so his stay could be extended a month.

    The Secret Life of Houdini William Kalush 2006

  • Houdini finally began his Berlin run on October 1, and the response was so overwhelming that the police were forced to reprimand the Wintergarten management several times for overcrowding the venue.

    The Secret Life of Houdini William Kalush 2006

  • Shortly after this incident had become known, I was at the Wintergarten, a large concert hall in Berlin, with Grant Smith, First Secretary of the Embassy at Vienna and other members of my staff.

    My Four Years in Germany Gerard, James W 1917

  • The next day the manager of the Wintergarten called on me also to express his regret for the occurrence.

    My Four Years in Germany Gerard, James W 1917

  • About a year afterwards I was at the races one day and saw this man and asked him what he meant by making such a noise at the Wintergarten.

    My Four Years in Germany Gerard, James W 1917

  • The next day the manager of the Wintergarten called on me also to express his regret for the occurrence.

    My Four Years in Germany 1909


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