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  • According to Wang, the measures against risks should focus on Wushan, Fengjie and Wulong counties in Chongqing and Badong county in Hubei province, as well as along the waterway of the Yangtze River, and other risk-prone areas.

    China’s Three Gorges Dam Facing ‘Grim Situation’ as Flood Season Approaches | Impact Lab 2010

  • Or a good Wulong tea to warm me up in the mornings.

    This Side of “Paradise” 2007

  • Male giant panda Tian Tian, pictured in the Wulong breeding centre in Sichuan province.

    The Guardian World News 2011

  • They will be on a 10-year loan to the zoo and are expected to arrive in the next year from China's Wulong

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • During this process, the Wulong tea leaves are simply left outdoors in the sun.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010

  • * Wuyi/Wu yi Wulong Tea Reverses Signs of Aging: Free radicals are damaging substances in your body caused by ultra-violet rays, chemical food additives, pollution and stress.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010

  • Wuyi/Wu yi Wulong or Wu Long tea is becoming one of the most popular teas designed to accelerate weight loss and it is delicious.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010

  • Afterwards, the Wulong leaves are heated for 5 minutes or so at extremely high temperatures.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010

  • Wulong tea brews to a golden-like color, releasing a very fruity aroma.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010

  • Japan's University of Tokushima School of Medicine found that people who drank two cups a day of Wulong experienced over 157% greater fat burning results than those who drank the same amount of green tea.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010


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