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  • The two women, 77-year-old Wu Dianyuan and 79-year-old Wang Xiuying, had repeatedly applied for permits to hold a protest in one of the three designated protest zones set up around Beijing.

    China Orders 2008

  • Wearing the red armbands that identify them, Sun Xiuying, 53, a retired cleaner, says residents here would respond far more quickly than those who failed toddler Wang Yue. News 2011

  • Lin Xiuying believes her daughter bled to death after being gang-raped two years ago by a group of thugs that had ties to the police in their southern Chinese town. Home RSS feed 2010

  • Lin Xiuying believes her daughter bled to death after being gang-raped two years ago by a group of thugs that had ties to the police in their southern Chinese town.

    The Globe and Mail - Technology RSS feed Anita Chang 2010

  • Wu Dianyuan (吴殿元), Wu and fellow petitioner Wang Xiuying (王秀英), both of whom were sentenced to one year of Reeducation-Through-Labor during the Beijing Olympics but whose sentences were later rescinded by the authorities, are being followed everywhere they go.

    Human Rights in China (HRIC) 2009

  • Wang Xiuying began to cry: "Secretary Shi, please don't leave.

    Danwei - Media, Advertising, and Urban Life in China 2009


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