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  • As anyone who has been to Chinese cities in the past 5 years, be it Shanghai or Lanzhou or even small cities such as Yanbian(Jilin), Yingtan(Jiangxi), you would observe people buying and selling consumer goods, and apartments.

    Archive 2006-03-01 Sun Bin 2006

  • As anyone who has been to Chinese cities in the past 5 years, be it Shanghai or Lanzhou or even small cities such as Yanbian(Jilin), Yingtan(Jiangxi), you would observe people buying and selling consumer goods, and apartments.

    Stephen Roach on China Sun Bin 2006

  • Tang Jitian, a human rights lawyer, said four Beijing security officers forced him into a car and put him on a night flight to his home town of Yanbian.

    On eve of Nobel ceremony, China cracks down and lashes out Keith B. Richburg 2010

  • Tang Jitian, a human rights lawyer, said four Beijing security officers forced him into a car and put him on a night flight to his home town of Yanbian.

    On eve of Nobel ceremony, China cracks down and lashes out Keith B. Richburg 2010

  • According to Jiro Ishimaru, a Japanese journalist who has been covering their exodus for several years, as many as 50,000 North Korean "starvation refugees" live in China's Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, where ethnic Koreans make up 40 percent of the population.

    The Flight To Food, But Not Freedom 2008

  • Today, Chun-sik and his 12-year-old sister, Sun-hee, live in northeastern China's Yanbian region with an elderly ethnic Korean couple who have taken them in.

    The Flight To Food, But Not Freedom 2008

  • The Yanbian formula - English language and multinational faculty - is at the core of PUST.

    Ben Rosen: Letter from North Korea --Ray of Hope? 2008

  • Now he lives in a town in Yanbian, protected by locals.

    The Flight To Food, But Not Freedom 2008

  • PUST is being modeled on Yanbian, which has turned out to be quite a success and has caught the attention of the North Korean government.

    Ben Rosen: Letter from North Korea --Ray of Hope? 2008

  • So far the only group to document it has been a South Korean organization called Buddhist Sharing Movement, which took oral testimony from 1,019 North Korean refugees living in Yanbian between September 1997 and May 1998.

    The Flight To Food, But Not Freedom 2008


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