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  • BEIJING (AP) Chinese basketball officials said Denver Nuggets prospect Xue Yuyang is not ready for the NBA and will not be allowed to play in the United States next season. - China: Xue not ready for NBA 2003

  • In Yuyang's teachers' college, sex is the preferred weapon to undermine a social opponent; bodice-ripping encounters are surprisingly common.

    Daughters and Sins Raymond Zhong 2011

  • Yuyang, though innocent, becomes one of the victims.

    Daughters and Sins Raymond Zhong 2011

  • Mr. Bi's novel then leaps forward a decade to find the youngest Wang daughter, Yuyang, as a student at a teacher-training college.

    Daughters and Sins Raymond Zhong 2011

  • She has a new taste for cards and liquor, and after a fevered night of both, she contemplates Yuyang's academic success.

    Daughters and Sins Raymond Zhong 2011

  • The novel's most memorable image comes when Yuyang reminisces about her eldest sister's fate as a cadre's wife.

    Daughters and Sins Raymond Zhong 2011

  • China's Xue Yuyang went to Dallas on behalf of Denver with the next-to-last pick. - NBA finally calls LeBron's number No. 1 2003

  • If today, as Head of the nation, he is powerless to silence the riotous clamour of the soldiery as happened at Chen-chiao in ancient time, then be sure in the capacity of an Emperor he will not be able to suppress an outbreak of troops even as it happened once at Yuyang in the Tang dynasty.

    The Fight for the Republic in China Bertram Lenox Simpson 1903

  • In the Chinese quarter around the Yuyang gardens with the ancient tea house, tradition is still tangible: curved roofs rise towards the sky, red lanterns decorate the lanes.

    The Earth Times Online Newspaper 2010

  • In the Chinese quarter around the Yuyang gardens with the ancient tea house, tradition is still tangible: curved roofs rise towards the sky, red lanterns decorate the lanes.

    The Earth Times Online Newspaper 2010


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