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  • Alexander also told Houdini that his own memoirs, Ein moderner Zauberer The Modern Magician, was “the best book ever written by a conjurer.”

    The Secret Life of Houdini William Kalush 2006

  • Alexander also told Houdini that his own memoirs, Ein moderner Zauberer The Modern Magician, was “the best book ever written by a conjurer.”

    The Secret Life of Houdini William Kalush 2006

  • Der Zauberberg was followed by a bourgeois novella from the period of revolution and inflation, Unordnung und frühes Leid (1926) [Disorder and Early Sorrow]; Mario und der Zauberer [Mario and the Magician], written in 1929, is for the time being my last attempt at compositions of this size.

    Thomas Mann - Autobiography 1929

  • In seiner zikadengesäumten Zitadele verwandelt der zynische Zauberer ...

    The Dawn and Drew Show! 2010

  • Nevertheless the discussion was whole maintenance SAM. "the members of the Polesotechni league are indeed powerful Zauberer", now prahlte it. "we studied the regularities of the coincidence, on which everything depends up that world.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966


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