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  • There is a satisfying irony to the fact that the Zeughaus, which currently houses the museum, was the scene of a botched attempt to assassinate Hitler in 1943.

    Why Did Germans Embrace Him? A.J. Goldmann 2010

  • The Lustgarten—a place of early Nazi assembly—was hit, as was the Zeughaus, a museum of German military history where Hitler had given a speech the year before.

    Human Smoke Nicholson Baker 2008

  • Koenigergratzerstrasse 70 and at the Zeughaus, the great museum of the

    The Secrets of the German War Office Dr. Armgaard Karl Graves

  • Das Zeughaus, or arsenal, which we now approach, is a massive quadrangular building, and the warlike character of its architectural decorations strikingly indicate the nature of its contents.

    A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France William Duthie

  • Spiesshof at Basle, 1600; castle at Berlin, 1600-1616, demolished in great part; castle Bevern, 1603; Dantzic, Zeughaus, 1605;

    A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised 1890

  • Graz - Zeughaus - old armory used to defend Graz against Turkish invaders - very impressive collection of over 30000 pieces of armour Recent Updates 2009

  • For long their advice was in vain, but in the autumn events occurred which shewed that some decision must be taken: the mob of Berlin stormed the Zeughaus where the arms were kept; the Constitution of the Assembly was being drawn up so as to leave the King scarcely any influence in the State; a resolution was passed calling on the Ministers to request all officers to leave the army who disliked the new order of things.

    Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire Headlam, James W 1899


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