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  • How come I am not referred to as a German American because my ancestory is German? you should be happy that your ANCIENT ancestors were brought to this country of opportunity and food stamps!

    Exclusive Video: Is This the Walking Record Whitetail? 2008

  • The former danced with champion Cheryl Burke, the latter with a dark beauty from Russia named Karina Smirnoff -- she has a Slavic name, but I bet her ancestory is Persian, or somewhere else east of the Caucasus.

    View from the Northern Border Michael Evans 2006

  • I have met english-speaking visitors who are Mexican by ancestory at least that have mistaken me for Mexican, something they have related to me later when we actually engaged in conversation.

    Page 2 2010

  • I have met english-speaking visitors who are Mexican by ancestory at least that have mistaken me for Mexican, something they have related to me later when we actually engaged in conversation.

    Page 2 2010

  • I have met english-speaking visitors who are Mexican by ancestory at least that have mistaken me for Mexican, something they have related to me later when we actually engaged in conversation.

    Page 2 2010

  • I have met english-speaking visitors who are Mexican by ancestory at least that have mistaken me for Mexican, something they have related to me later when we actually engaged in conversation.

    Page 2 2010

  • So, if they can make the Quilette boys look like they all are from the same ancestory, that would be good.

    Twilight Lexicon » Solomon Trimble Not In New Moon 2009

  • I have met english-speaking visitors who are Mexican by ancestory at least that have mistaken me for Mexican, something they have related to me later when we actually engaged in conversation.

    Page 2 2010

  • I have met english-speaking visitors who are Mexican by ancestory at least that have mistaken me for Mexican, something they have related to me later when we actually engaged in conversation.

    Page 2 2010

  • I was born in America, have no Irish ancestory, and if I become a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, I will still NOT be Irish.

    Matthew Yglesias » Far-Right European Posters 2010


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