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  • Stop smearing Hillary if you are not cowarding to have a lady leader! annemarie breitmeyer

    Obama, Clinton supporters both say Clinton attacking unfairly 2008

  • Why were they such a big deal in the first place? annemarie

    Educating America: Scrap the SAT? 2009

  • Thank you annemarie for co-hosting this great challenge.

    Daring Bakers: Bakewell Tart Annemarie 2009

  • Very classy. heima: @annemarie, maybe because we were talking about his features … he has lot of money to rebuild completely ... aleach: well shes just trying her hardest to stay relevant, huh?

    The Velvet Hot Tub | Freshest Stories 2009

  • annemarie, just great buns. well done on completing your first challenge.

    Daring Bakers Cinnamon Buns Annemarie 2007

  • Many of our 2009 vendors for Shop Austin sell at Parts & Labour, including * annemarie*, Ballistic Sweater Girl, Kandle Kidswear, Meline Collection, Ornamental Things, Shop Shop Designs, tasty jewelry & Tina Forever!

    Austin Bloggers: Austin Metablog 2009

  • Sunday, November 15, 2009 sunday. 11: 00 p.m. lobby, hotel annemarie. today we woke up way too early for my brain and went on what wound up being a four and a half hour long walking tour. it was pouring for two hours of it, the first two. that plus wet hair plus no umbrella makes for something my mom will not be happy to hear. if i end up sick, i won't be shocked -- but i will be well-informed on the goings-on of Amsterdam from about 1500 TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2009


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