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  • Ils sont autonomes, je peux les prêter, les donner, je les biffe, corne, annote, bref je les lis.

    Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas Marie Lebert

  • La graunde abridgement, collecte par le iudge tresreuerend mo [n] sieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment conferre ouesque la copye escript et per ceo correcte, ouesque le nombre del fueil, per quel facilement poies trouer les cases cy abrydges en les liuers dans, nouelmen annote: iammais deuaunt imprimes.

    Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733] 1733

  • Had a small cookie cutter error where the first annote pops up (inventory) 2. - Financial News 2010

  • Had a small cookie cutter error where the first annote pops up (inventory) 2. - Financial News 2010

  • At least your index will be searchable. bibdesk for this, and use the annote function (or maybe make a custom field) for storing this information.

    Ask MetaFilter 2009

  • This large UI update is rolling out today. reports, users can promote / banish / annote listings in their personal SERPs.

    Charlottesville Blogs 2008


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