
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Serving to counteract rioting.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

anti- +‎ riot


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  • "When there are tensions in a neighborhood, I am often left calling the antiriot police," he said in a telephone interview.

    Latest French Riots Test Sarkozy's Focus 2007

  • "When there are tensions in a neighborhood, I am often left calling the antiriot police," he said Tuesday in a telephone interview.

    Latest French Riots Test Sarkozy's Focus 2007

  • But as demonstrators' ranks swelled, police and antiriot forces lined the streets, ordered shops to shut down and responded at times with force, according to witnesses and opposition websites, in a repeat of the official crackdown that helped snuff out months of spirited opposition rallies a year ago.

    Tehran Beats Back New Protests Farnaz Fassihi 2011

  • Jenkins put into action the antiriot plan formulated as a preventative measure for the summer.

    Burial for a King Rebecca Burns 2011

  • Jenkins put into action the antiriot plan formulated as a preventative measure for the summer.

    Burial for a King Rebecca Burns 2011

  • Jenkins put into action the antiriot plan formulated as a preventative measure for the summer.

    Burial for a King Rebecca Burns 2011

  • But the government called out heavy deployments of antiriot police and security forces, as well as volunteer plainclothes militia members, a move opposition supporters said belied Tehran's claims that it has crushed the Green Movement.

    Iran Activists Bid for Protest Revival Farnaz Fassihi 2012

  • Meanwhile, the government deployed antiriot police across main squares in Tehran, suggesting the potential for violence.

    Protests Expand Across Arab Nations Hakim Almasmari 2011

  • Video footage showed a large number of antiriot police and security forces chasing crowds, throwing tear gas and firing live ammunition into crowds.

    Arab World Diplomacy Fails to Stop Syria Clash Matt Bradley 2012

  • It has deployed antiriot guard in Tehran, placing Mr. Karroubi under house arrest and arresting at least six prominent opposition figures.

    Egyptian Revolution Stirs Raw Emotions in Iran Farnaz Fassihi 2011


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