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  • [10] Gaetano Mosca, Il Principio aristocratico e il democratico nel passato e nel 'avvenire (inaugural address), Stamperia Paravia, Turin, 1903, p. 22.

    Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy 1916

  • Prince Bismarck never threw off the aristocratico-military leanings with which he began life.

    Cavour Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess Evelyn 1898

  • (aristocratico-clerical) world, this is simply because the marvelous scientific progress of the nineteenth century has increased a hundred-fold the rapidity of life in time and has nearly annihilated space, and, therefore, civilized humanity traverses now in ten years the same road that it took, in the Middle Ages, a century or two to travel.

    Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx) Enrico Ferri 1894


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