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  • And this is from the Times of London: In practice, France turned its back on the minorities, shunting them into suburban cités denying access to the so-called ascenseur social social elevator that was supposed to lift immigrants into the mainstream.

    Wednesday, November 30, 2005 As'ad 2005

  • "ascenseur," nicely upholstered and lighted by electricity.

    The Jolliest School of All Angela Brazil 1907

  • I watch the legumes being lowered, via an ascenseur that just appeared, out of the floor, from beneath a large tile — next towhere the driver is sipping his complimentary crème.

    Alps 2010

  • I watch the legumes being lowered, via an ascenseur that just appeared, out of the floor, from beneath a large tile — next towhere the driver is sipping his complimentary crème.

    Cafés 2010

  • I watch the legumes being lowered, via an ascenseur that just appeared, out of the floor, from beneath a large tile—next towhere the driver is sipping his complimentary crème.

    Alps 2010

  • In practice, France turned its back on the minorities, shunting them into suburban cités denying access to the so-called ascenseur social (social elevator) that was supposed to lift immigrants into the mainstream.

    Melting pot v. bouillabaisse « BuzzMachine 2005

  • Il est vrai qu'en deux jours j'ai beaucoup ecrit alors oui je vous conseille grandement de descendre le petit ascenseur a droite de cette fenetre pour, si vous le desirez, rattraper votre retard en ce qui concerne ma vie bloguesk

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • We arrived almost immediately at the door of the ascenseur, and it deposited us by the station platform.

    Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine 2005

  • While we have many varieties of these, we must give credit where it is due, and the _ascenseur Edoux_ of Paris is the original of all those in which the cage is placed upon a plunger that descends into a vertical cylinder into which water is forced to elevate the plunger, and from which it is withdrawn to allow the plunger and cage to descend.

    Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878 Various

  • Dropping the thing into my pocket, I made for the _ascenseur_.

    The Firefly of France Marion Polk Angellotti 1936


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