
from The Century Dictionary.

  • A Scotch form of aslant.


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  • Look'd asklent and unco skeigh, [askance, very skittish]

    Robert Burns How To Know Him William Allan Neilson 1907

  • "Weel," he added, "ye maunna gley asklent at the mere whan she comes hame some saipy-like!"

    Salted with Fire George MacDonald 1864

  • They had na a single servin 'man wi' them, an 'wad alloo nane o' the fowk aboot the place to lay han 'upo' their beasts; an 'ilk ane as he said na, wad gie the stallion aneth him a daig wi' 's spurs, or a kick 'i the ribs, gien he was aff o' 's back, wi 'the steel tae o' his bute; an 'the brute wad lay his lugs i' the how o ''s neck, an' turn his heid asklent, wi 'ae white ee gleyin' oot o ''t, an' lift a hin 'leg wi' the glintin 'shue turnt back, an' luik like Sawtan himsel 'whan he daurna.

    Malcolm George MacDonald 1864


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