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  • This was the notion that in modernity the self came to be constructed inside frames of domination, creating a process that Foucault, with Althusser, called "assujettissement" - a difficult word to translate into English - in which the sense of liberation from old forms of oppression becomes itself an instrument for realising the deeper kind of domination modern ideas and institutions brought. sum, he is, in the eyes of Heidegger and those who accept his view, dividing the world between human beings with their active consciousness on one side and a merely objective and passive outside world on the other.

    SMLXL - Engagement Marketing and Communication principles from Alan Moore 2009

  • This was the notion that in modernity the self came to be constructed inside frames of domination, creating a process that Foucault, with Althusser, called "assujettissement" - a difficult word to translate into English - in which the sense of liberation from old forms of oppression becomes itself an instrument for realising the deeper kind of domination modern ideas and institutions brought. sum, he is, in the eyes of Heidegger and those who accept his view, dividing the world between human beings with their active consciousness on one side and a merely objective and passive outside world on the other.

    SMLXL - Engagement Marketing and Communication principles from Alan Moore 2009

  • This was the notion that in modernity the self came to be constructed inside frames of domination, creating a process that Foucault, with Althusser, called "assujettissement" - a difficult word to translate into English - in which the sense of liberation from old forms of oppression becomes itself an instrument for realising the deeper kind of domination modern ideas and institutions brought. sum, he is, in the eyes of Heidegger and those who accept his view, dividing the world between human beings with their active consciousness on one side and a merely objective and passive outside world on the other.

    SMLXL - Engagement Marketing and Communication principles from Alan Moore 2009

  • All the assujettissement of having been what one has been,

    Amours De Voyage Anonymous 1858

  • All the assujettissement of having been what one has been,

    Amours De Voyage Arthur Hugh Clough 1840


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