
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Self-induced hypnotism.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun Hypnotism of one's self by concentration of the attention on some object or idea.


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  • The Hesychasts of Mount Athos who remained motionless for days with their gaze directed steadily to the navel; the Taskodrugites who remained statuesque for a long period with the finger applied to the nose; the Jogins who could hibernate at will; the Dandins of India who became cataleptoid by 12,000 repetitions of the sacred word Om; 'St. Simeon Stylites who, perched on a lofty pillar, preserved an attitude of saint-like withdrawal from earthly things for days; and even Socrates, of whom it was said that he would stand for hours motionless and wordless -- all these are probable instances of autohypnotism.' '

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • Stylites who, perched on a lofty pillar, preserved an attitude of saint-like withdrawal from earthly things for days; and even Socrates, of whom it was said that he would stand for hours motionless and wordless -- all these are probable instances of autohypnotism. "

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896


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