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  • Kolhapuris have a undying love affair with devastatingly pungent flavors in food, and this love is neatly packaged into that awesome snack called the Kolhapuri bakarwadi.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • When you ask for a kilo or so of bakarwadi, a couple of the women at the front counter will fill your order, and hand you a packet of bakarwadi so piping hot that there is condensation on the bag.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • One of these special savory foods is called the bakarwadi.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • This is the lesser-known but no less delicious Kolhapur style bakarwadi and as with all good Kolhapuri food, it is redolent with chillies and garlic!

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • You just go over to a rather industrial section of town, to a nondescript store-front called Gruhini (means homemakers in Marathi) and buy piping hot bakarwadi that is better than anything one could ever make.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • When people in Maharashtra think of bakarwadi, they generally think of a particular type made famous by the Chitale Bandhu store in city of Pune.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • At the back of the store, you can see a band of experts churning out the most amazing sweets (gulkand burfi or fudge, coconut burfi), dry chutneys and masala mixes, savory goodies (chakli, bakarwadi) ... all with the true authentic taste of home, only made in slightly larger batches and sold commercially.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • Tip: If the dough is not stiff, the bakarwadi will be soft and not stay crisp in the next few days.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • She had bought some bakarwadi for V and me from this store in Kolhapur, and when she saw how we wolfed it down, she offered to try making it at home.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007

  • While I am a huge fan of this style of bakarwadi, there is another kind that I am also very fond of.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Nupur 2007


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