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  • Pursuant this conversation, Miguel was forced by a pool attendant to purchase a brand new bananahammock out of what was essentially an awkward bathing suit vending machine ... a process which took about a half hour as he was stressing because he wasn't sure what color/size he needed, and because Miguel isn't one to be rushed in any context.

    defiler - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • SB: Oscar Nuñez had to show his man-vagina in a little bananahammock.

    Buzzine » Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds 2009

  • Pursuant this conversation, Miguel was forced by a pool attendant to purchase a brand new bananahammock out of what was essentially an awkward bathing suit vending machine... a process which took about a half hour as he was stressing because he wasn't sure what color/size he needed, and because Miguel isn't one to be rushed in any context.

    defiler - French Word-A-Day 2008


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