
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective resembling a bandbox


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

bandbox +‎ -y


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  • He opened a door into an odd-shaped bandboxy room.

    At Swim, Two Boys Jamie O’Neill 2002

  • He opened a door into an odd-shaped bandboxy room.

    At Swim, Two Boys Jamie O’Neill 2002

  • Anything more prim and bandboxy than Aunt Olivia when her toilet was finished it has never been my lot to see.

    Chronicles of Avonlea Lucy Maud 1912

  • Anything more prim and bandboxy than Aunt Olivia when her toilet was finished it has never been my lot to see.

    Chronicles of Avonlea 1908

  • "He was dressed like one; not _bandboxy_, you know, but nicely and easily; and he stands and moves well; and then his face --"

    Bressant Julian Hawthorne 1890


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