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  • We had a pleasant evening with music and "baraque" -- which is not very fatiguing as a mental exercise.

    Chateau and Country Life in France Mary Alsop King Waddington

  • Drusilla, arriving late at her _baraque_, made tea, and sat by an infinitesimal stove.

    The Tin Soldier Temple Bailey

  • In each dépôt there is a hospital baraque for those that need that sort of rest or care, a diet kitchen, and a fine large kitchen for those that can eat anything and have appetites of daily increasing vigor.

    The Living Present Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 1902

  • She opened in the first days of the war an organization which she called "Oeuvre du Soldat Blessé ou Malade," and from her offices in the Hôtel de Crillon and her baraque out at the

    The Living Present Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 1902

  • … En commençant, on ne te mettra pas dans une grande baraque.

    Le Petit Chose (part 1) Histoire d'un Enfant Alphonse Daudet 1868

  • Close by was a small wooden shed, or _baraque_, prettily painted and glazed, and ornamented at the top with little tricolor flags; it belonged to a couple of old ladies, Mère Manette and Grandmère

    Peter Ibbetson George Du Maurier 1865

  • It would move the laughter of the Tuileries and its ministers, of the Bourse and of its gamblers, of every dainty salon of this silken city of would-be philosophers and wits, if they were told that here within this mouldering baraque, eight men, so little blessed by fortune, so little known to fame as ourselves, met to concert the fall of an empire.

    The Parisians — Volume 05 Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • Tuileries and its ministers, of the Bourse and of its gamblers, of every dainty salon of this silken city of would-be philosophers and wits, if they were told that here within this mouldering baraque, eight men, so little blessed by fortune, so little known to fame as ourselves, met to concert the fall of an empire.

    The Parisians — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • A final blogger recalled the days of socialism in Yemen, saying: et dire qu’en 72 à Aden on était dans un pays qui se réclamait du socialisme avec des jeunes filles et des adolescentes sans complexes avec leurs petits copains dans les lycées … ça me fous un cafard terrible cette histoire t’as envie de faire sauter la baraque.

    Maghreb Netizens Respond to 8 year-old Yemeni Girl's Petition for Divorce 2008

  • "I am in a shack -- a _baraque_, -- they call it," Drusilla told him, "with three other women.

    The Tin Soldier Temple Bailey


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