barely-concealed love



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  • “Don't—I want air conditioning,” she said, and he looked at her with a barely-concealed scowl, as if she were eating up provisions that had to last them for a long time.

    And You--And You--And You Con Chapman 2012

  • Some analysts suggest that Mr. Zaw Zaw's advocacy for reform is a barely-concealed effort to help remove sanctions while also protecting his assets in the longer term.

    Myanmar Tycoons Embrace Change James Hookway 2011

  • Yes, I will admit he can be very funny, the same way Andrew Dice Clay is funny, and yes, Rush Limbaugh does have a great deal of insight into what it's like to live in world of entitlement and barely-concealed contempt for people he thinks are less than him.

    No, Thanks 2009

  • Woods 'win there and his subsequent hyper-dominance and revolutionizing of the game is something that many look at with a level of awe ... and a lot of others scowl at with barely-concealed disgust.

    The Post In Which Karl Rove Channels Hall & Oates' Hit Single “Out Of Touch” 2008

  • Woods 'win there and his subsequent hyper-dominance and revolutionizing of the game is something that many look at with a level of awe ... and a lot of others scowl at with barely-concealed disgust.

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • It's not hyperbole to say that Bush's campaign, guided by Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, essentially wrote the modern Republican political playbook-one that relies on vilifying opponents with personal smears, turning the word "liberal" into an epithet, and fracturing the electorate with barely-concealed appeals to prejudice and racism.

    A Funny Judge of Civility 2009

  • These days, even as we anticipate with barely-concealed glee the next stirring inaugural address, the Chicago blood is all political in nature - that is to say, metaphorical.

    Tom Watson: Blago! (The Musical) 2009

  • The article, headlined "U.S., after long ban, quietly begins to study gun safety," reported, with barely-concealed alarm, that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is studying the risks to teenagers from carrying guns.

    Dennis A. Henigan: For the Gun Lobby, Ignorance is Bliss 2009

  • Hillary Clinton reportedly has a new radio ad in Philadelphia, featuring a just barely-concealed dig at Barack Obama.

    New Hillary Radio Ad In Pennsylvania Features Army Brass Saying Experience Trumps Charisma 2009

  • It's not hyperbole to say that Bush's campaign, guided by Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, essentially wrote the modern Republican political playbook-one that relies on vilifying opponents with personal smears, turning the word "liberal" into an epithet, and fracturing the electorate with barely-concealed appeals to prejudice and racism.

    A Funny Judge of Civility 2009


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