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  • Joker coming at us with his "Purple Wow Sound Mix" which showcases his unique bassheavy output that pays homage to g-funk, grime, videogames etc. 2009

  • Joker coming at us with his "Purple Wow Sound Mix" which showcases his unique bassheavy output that pays homage to g-funk, grime, videogames etc. 2009

  • But they kept out the worst distractions—lawn mowers and delivery trucks, the rattle of garbage cans and thump of a neighbor’s bassheavy stereo.

    Last Lullaby Denise Hamilton 2004

  • But they kept out the worst distractions—lawn mowers and delivery trucks, the rattle of garbage cans and thump of a neighbor’s bassheavy stereo.

    Last Lullaby Denise Hamilton 2004


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