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  • Robert Hamilton thought it was a battlepiece, but involuntarily he lifted his hat.

    The Conqueror Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 1902

  • Nothing very original or profound in all this, it may be said; yet the great difficulty of dealing adequately with heroic action in contemporary verse, of writing a poem on a campaign that has just been reported in the newspapers, is exemplified by the fact that Walter Scott's two compositions on Waterloo are failures; nor has any poet since Byron yet succeeded in giving us a good modern battlepiece.

    Studies in Literature and History Alfred Comyn Lyall 1873

  • Gerald sat in the window, his friend Jemmy hanging over him, and the two together composing a marvellous battlepiece, in which Gerald drew horses, men, cannon, and arrows, and

    The Two Guardians or, Home in This World Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862

  • Upon the next slab, a war chariot in full speed, passing over a dead lion, is represented; and on the sixth and last slab of the compartment is another battlepiece.

    How to See the British Museum in Four Visits W. Blanchard Jerrold 1855


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