
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A dog for baiting bears.


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  • There was a giant bear-dog in the "age of giant mammals" perhaps 20 thousand years ago.

    Photos: Huge Wild Boar 2008

  • Thanks is also due my big bear-dog, Moses, a majestic, beautiful beast.


  • She couldn't truly help me, of course, because earlier that day I'd held this big bear-dog head in my arms and cried right into the fur of his ear, Vito, Vito, wake up...

    Diminished Capacity: FDA Downsized and Privatized; America is at Risk 2007

  • She couldn't truly help me, of course, because earlier that day I'd held this big bear-dog head in my arms and cried right into the fur of his ear, Vito, Vito, wake up...

    Diminished Capacity: FDA Downsized and Privatized; America is at Risk 2007

  • Not particularly wolflike, but if you take a trip to a museum or read a book on prehistoric mammals you'll see certain similarities with the amphicyon also known as the "bear-dog".

    The Two Towers: a voyage into palaeobiology marypcb 2003

  • Of those who welcomed her back to the Big House there was none more thankful and adoring than the old bear-dog, Hec.

    The Law of the Land Emerson Hough 1890

  • The old bear-dog, Hec, came around the corner of the house from his napping in the shade, and sat looking up in adoration at his divinity, inquiring mutely whether that divinity would permit a common warrior like himself to come and kiss her hand.

    The Law of the Land Emerson Hough 1890

  • At the same time another, one of the old "bear-dog" breed, was coming as fast as the light block and chain he had to drag would allow him.

    Strong Hearts George Washington Cable 1884


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