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  • The lean finger continued to follow the flowered design of the bedcovering.

    The Wall Between Sara Ware Bassett 1920

  • There was no place in which to live, the house was destroyed, her clothes were stolen, and had it not been for the thoughtfulness of one missionary who, in the midst of personal danger, found time to buy and send to her some garments and bedcovering, she would have been in a sad plight.

    The Fulfilment of a Dream of Pastor Hsi's The Story of the Work in Hwochow Mildred Cable 1915

  • I have known the only bedcovering in the home to be spared for the use of the little daughter during term, and a man to endure the winter cold with the scantiest clothing that his child might be warmly clad.

    The Fulfilment of a Dream of Pastor Hsi's The Story of the Work in Hwochow Mildred Cable 1915

  • She noticed in a dulled part of her mind that the bedcovering wasn’t lamé or silk but a giant swath of black, iridescent snakeskin that had crystallized into the jagged shards along the edges.

    Black Magic Cherry Adair 2010

  • She noticed in a dulled part of her mind that the bedcovering wasn’t lamé or silk but a giant swath of black, iridescent snakeskin that had crystallized into the jagged shards along the edges.

    Black Magic Cherry Adair 2010

  • She noticed in a dulled part of her mind that the bedcovering wasn’t lamé or silk but a giant swath of black, iridescent snakeskin that had crystallized into the jagged shards along the edges.

    Black Magic Cherry Adair 2010


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