
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun dated A shop selling beer.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

beer +‎ shop


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  • THE cab pulled up before a particularly dreary and greasy beershop, into which Gregory rapidly conducted his companion.

    The Man Who Was Thursday Gilbert Keith 2003

  • The tribunal which enforces it sits, not at the Petty Sessions, but at the beershop -- it compels obedience, not by summons and distress, but by violence and conflagration.

    Fragments of Two Centuries Glimpses of Country Life when George III. was King Alfred Kingston

  • THE cab pulled up before a particularly dreary and greasy beershop, into which Gregory rapidly conducted his companion.

    The Man Who Was Thursday 1874-1936 1908

  • THE CAB pulled up before a particularly dreary and greasy beershop, into which Gregory rapidly conducted his companion.

    The Secret of Gabriel Syme Gilbert Keith 1908

  • THE cab pulled up before a particularly dreary and greasy beershop, into which Gregory rapidly conducted his companion.

    The Man Who Was Thursday, a nightmare 1905

  • 'Ee don't do nothin' but loaf around the Manor and the kiddley-wink (beershop).

    Roger Trewinion Joseph Hocking 1898

  • "Iss, zur, 'bout three mile on thurs a kiddley-wink (beershop) that do belong to Tommy Dain, he as can raise the devil, you do knaw, zur."

    Roger Trewinion Joseph Hocking 1898

  • Here is the big grey house with the chemist's shop; at this point there used to stand a little house, and in it was a beershop; in that beershop I thought out my thesis and wrote my first love-letter to Varya.

    The Wife, and other stories Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 1882

  • Useless to bestow anything upon her; straightway it or its value passed over the counter of the beershop in Rosoman Street.

    The Nether World George Gissing 1880

  • He liked to goa an 'sit i'th' beershop opposite, an 'have a pint or two, an' Molly knew it wor her bit o 'brass at wor gooin, for shoo said "he hardly haddled as mich sometimes as he cost i' wax. "

    Yorksher Puddin' A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley John Hartley 1877


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