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  • The eponymous white tower (belaya vezha) was built at Kamenetz in the 13th century.

    Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus 2009

  • Before it got smooshed together into one word, the region was called Belaya Rus' 'White Rus,' where belaya is a separate word, the nominative singular feminine of belyi; if you're going to talk about "the Russian word for white," the latter is the form you want -- it's the form under which the word is entered in dictionaries. RIP SAUL BELLOW. 2005

  • Most enterprises maintain a secret chornaya kassa (a "black accounting book" that accurately shows profits and losses) but submit to auditors from the Tax Inspectorate the belaya bukhgalteriya ( "white accounts" — false records of low profits and high expenses).

    Russia Is Finished 2001

  • Most enterprises maintain a secret chornaya kassa (a "black accounting book" that accurately shows profits and losses) but submit to auditors from the Tax Inspectorate the belaya bukhgalteriya ( "white accounts" — false records of low profits and high expenses).

    Russia Is Finished 2001


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